May 23, 2012


Alright, so this is when it goes live. Or maybe its just one of those million thoughts which cross my mind rightnow. I dont know. I've been thinking about writing again lately, more often while smoking a cigarette after sunset. Nevermind. I'm too abashed. As always, for anything and everything, you ask me anything and I'm all my sensory parts are pushing up the daisies. It's like being constantly immaculately irrevocably stoned. I'm too lazy to gather myself to execute the taking-the-laptop-outta-my-bag to feeling-hungry & discontented-after-writing ALOT! And that too for a muted audience. Not that I give a fuck, But I could do with a little help from my friends.

Talking of friends. I think as we grow older we keep losing these people who were once strangely involved in doing the same shit as you were. They came, they saw and they left or vanished into thin air, or maybe they they got hitched. At my age, the latter maybe the reason for the exodus. Anyway, speaking of Delhi people, you've gotta give it to them for being too smart (read - fake/plastic) for you. All of them diseased and living practitioners of the Blackberry apartheid! What is the gland inside you which lets you judge a person on the basis of stoopid phone? Most of you have it and most you are obsessed about it. But why the fuck can someone not have another phone! Why would you come up with sad-weird-smileys, make a face and look away when someone says "I dont have a blackberry" ..Blackberry smitten bimbos bloody all of you! I know most of you would come out in denial on this but I have personally felt it and I've never, never ever, in my life felt like a social outcast but then I have been nagged, scoffed and even molested for not having a blackberry phone umpteen times. Although seeing the idiocy, might I add, I am proud of being one.

One thing you learn from years of dealing with drug people, is that you can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug.

Also, this is attempt number 69 at writing a blog post. It should workout this time considering the enigma and fantasy attached to the number.The number of drafts I had saved could make half a terrible book or a full not so bad one. I usually begin my errands at night so half the time I end up sleeping before anything is complete.

The uselessness shall continue.

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