September 7, 2011

The End

The fact that I'm so technologically impaired can be observed by simply moving the balls of eye toward 5'o clock position. I am following my own blog! #canyoubelieveit (some weird tabs, too drunk to care what's written!)

The fact that the earth just dry humped Delhi with 6.7's on the ritcher's scale can be simply attributed to the fact we're pulling out everything from the hills, the great forest's and we don't really value life other than our own self. We don't give back one tenth of what we take from the Earth. It's We just don't feel the inter-connected network of energy and the fact that we're amongst the gifted and intelligent part of the system. Gifted in the sense that we can kill, we posses guns, missiles and weapon's of mass destruction. Gifted in the sense that we elect people who take out money from our own pockets to increase the defense budgets, spend to destroy a city/country and then spend even more to rebuild that city/country (read infuse democracy, liberty, free market practices). Gifted in the sense that we have made the Earth a college of corporations which isn't constrained by countries, laws, religions, anthropologies, topologies or calamities. All we want is money. More of it. Much more of it than we'd think of. Much more than we can handle. And only people who have most of it, have the right to live. The other one's are just not corrupt enough and their life has lesser or no real value. We have made the world a marketplace, where we're happy selling things to one another, without really caring for the source of all things, our planet. We're not really earthlings or anything but we're each other's clients. Just living in a delusion that 'everything's gonna be alright' 'life moves on' & other cliches made only for motivating ourselves & keeping our hope for our hollow lives alive (which literally translates to earning more money till we get screwed from a new position this time). We wait, we pray in hope for our own imaginary version of the redeemer to fix things for us, to solve problems for us? to show us direction in time of the great fall or something? STOP!

Just STOP. Stop living in a fucking delusion. 

Look at yourself, you barely can't do anything except killing, buying/selling things, can you? Can you love? Platonically? Without secretly ranting for big dicks, shaved pussies and a silicone rack? Can you smell the dawn, the rain, the flowers and not smell the branded fragrances. Do you still feel feel your past in the wind, touch it on the stones washed away by the rain and taste it in the bitter leaves of a plant? Do you know that almost lesser know cultures(tribal/enlightening) on the edge of the world are extinct or endangered? And you can't really interpret what they thought or taught from their journey of life cos you speak their language, neither do they. Reminds me of Morrison's excerpt from one of his poem's where he ask's an american indian "Indian-Indian what did you die for? ..Indian says nothing at all" [sic]

I totally believe in all prophecies, because its only sensible to do so. I believe we really don't deserve to co-exist on this planet. So say your prayers and let the good times roll till you meet your end.

1 comment:

  1. What if we live in delusions only...there is no way around to keep us lost except delusions ? How can we stop living in it ?
