September 5, 2011

They're getting dumber

Prologue - I ain't no societal critic, a conceited cunt and neither do I regard myself as a perfect 'wine taster' at things. But umm.

So here's the thing, I have a problem with people. I just fail to understand their awfully insipid choices, especially when they have options, and not so surprisingly, yep! you guessed it - better options! Why would every damned movie buggers like Salman Khan feature in turns to make so much money at the box office? That guy's got like top grossers coming one after the other. Just read in the news of his latest work of idiocy has already a top gross in week1 or something and it's about to break all overseas record! Well, if it isn't some really good PR, isn't the fact to be-wil-dering to you!? It scared the shit outta me! I think the contemporary cinema is more about the dough these days, its indeed a corporation thriving on moneys sourced from public boredom. Top grosses can be attributed to the immensely overpriced cost of watching a movie (starting from Rs 200 goes all the way upto 900 in the 'gold' class) amongst other things. No one really goes for a movie alone, so you can do your maths there. It's crazy. Shelling out almost 500 bucks for a movie? Not so long ago, I used to watch all good movies I intended to watch at Priyas for 20-50 bucks. Depending on the seats. In what we shall out for a movie alone, the whole jingbang used to make merry inside the theater. I just hate these fucking multiplexes. Bloody overpriced harlots.

Moreover, its not about the money. It's about collective societal intelligence. If that exists at all. We're getting so dumb as time flies by. Firstly, we now only make useless senseless cinema(read movies), it's almost like commercial cinema is the new carrier for selling things to the public. It's just like any other commercial on the idiot box. Secondly, for the people who actually watch such movies, isn't there any sense of anything left in you Satan's little helpers!

Fuck you all. 

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